Wholistic Health "Online"     8 week Course

        "START TODAY"            




Contact: 323-989-1178

Work at your own Pace from home 

Work is graded immediately!!!

  "The certificate given after completing this course does not       license the student in any health arena. The education from   this course can enhance a person's knowledge base and   understanding of Wholistic health."

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8 Week Course

$80: Materials are free to download

Pay Per Class

$10 Per Class - Materials are free to download


Week 1 (Origins of Health  Part 1)

Health history highlights 2600BC - 1500AD


Week 2  (Origins of Health  Part 2)

Health history highlights 1500AD - Present


Week 3 (Full body Cleansing)

Body cleansing & fat burning regimens


Week 4  (Proper Nutrition)

Food choices, food charts & transitional menus


Week 5  (Cooking)

Natural recipes for a healthy morning or evening meal


Week 6  (Herbology 1a)

Basic understanding of herbal applications


Week 7  (Herbology 1b)

Primary & Secondary uses of herbs


Week 8

(20 Common Health Concerns)

Herbal & Nutritional approaches to the twenty most common health concerns that plague our communities


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In the Spirit of Imhotep
















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